Riverside County SELPA is committed to providing Professional Learning opportunities that meet the unique needs of each of our member Local Education Agencies (LEAs). We strive to hold SELPA wide Professional Learning events, as well as, sessions designed specifically for each LEA. See upcoming opportunities below or click on our Calendar tab at the top of the website for event and registration information.   

Riverside County SELPA Vision for Staff Development:

  • Provide a comprehensive plan of staff development for educators and families based on best practices in special education.
  • Plan a yearly calendar of trainings and distribute to member LEAs.
  • Effectively disseminate information regarding staff development opportunities throughout the county.
  • Train district representatives who will return to their LEAs to train others.
  • Collaborate with other agencies to provide staff development throughout the county.

If you need additional information or to request Professional Learning please contact Kellie at 

Upcoming Events

Region 10 Early Childhood Committee in Collaboration with CPIN Presents- PTKLF: Introduction


March 12th, 2025 - 1:00 pm

Please note that you will need to enter the Access code: selpa to register for the event. If you do not have an EDE Workforce Registry ID just enter the number "0000"


SEIS/CALPADS Informational Meeting

Meetings will be held in-person at the Riverside County SELPA office and virtually via Zoom

April 3rd, 2025 - 9:00 am

SEIS/CALPADS Informational Meetings are designed to support all within the LEA who are responsible for special education information system reporting.


Data Team Workshops

RC SELPA Conference Room - 2935 Indian Ave., Perris, CA 92571

April 3rd, 2025 - 11:00 am

Riverside County SELPA Data Team Workshops are designed to give LEA Data Teams the support and work time needed to ensure CALPADS data submissions are timely and accurate. RC SELPA team members will work alongside LEA data team members: to address and correct CALPADS reporting errors, review updates to the CALPADS reporting process, review SEIS data submissions, and provide any additional support needed for required special education data submissions. We encourage LEA Data Teams to attend with their CALPADS Technicians, SEIS Technicians, and Special Education Administrators. These workshops are offered at no cost for RC SELPA Member LEAs.


Defensible ERMHS Assessment

RC SELPA Conference Room - 2935 Indian Ave., Perris, CA 92571

April 4th, 2025 - 9:00 am

Strategically plan components of the ERMHS assessment to draft a defensible ERMHS report. Identify the stakeholders in the student's support provider network to interview and incorporate in the ERMHS report. Identify which measures/instruments to utilize for the ERMHS assessment. Develop a rationale for organizing the necessary components of an ERMHS report. Review and evaluate a comprehensive ERMHS report.


Preschool Consortium

Riverside County Office of Education - Murrieta

April 10th, 2025 - 9:00 am

Join Early Childhood Educators from across Riverside County for an opportunity to collaborate and share best practices to support our youngest students with disabilities. The consortium participants will discuss updates in assessment, instructional strategies, and changes to legislation regarding early childhood-aged children in special education.


RC SELPA Lunch and Learn Legal Series

Meetings will be held virtually over ZOOM

April 11th, 2025 - 12:00 pm

Join RC SELPA each month for a virtual legal series featuring special education attorneys from across California. Each month we will have a presentation by a special education attorney on a ground breaking case, as well as legal "Hot Topics" in special education. Participants will have the chance to ask our legal experts questions during our "Questions From the Field" segment. The final session in June will be a panel discussion featuring some of our previous presenters. Zoom link will be provided after registration. Bring your lunch and tune in each month!


SEIS Trainer of Trainers

RC SELPA Conference Room - 2935 Indian Ave., Perris, CA 92571

April 17th, 2025 - 9:00 am

This three part series is designed to support those team members who are designated as Local Education Area Special Education Information System (SEIS) Trainer of Trainers. Participants will gain a higher knowledge of SEIS and acquire the skills necessary to support and train case managers within their own LEAs on data management, running SEIS reports, and using the SEIS system to effectively manage case loads.


Special Education Administrator Network

RC SELPA Conference Room - 2935 Indian Ave., Perris, CA 92571

April 24th, 2025 - 9:00 am

Join Riverside County SELPA for the Special Education Administrator Network meeting. Participants will have the opportunity to collaborate Monthly with other special education administrators within Riverside County SELPA on legal issues in special education, Alternative Dispute Resolution, compliance monitoring, leadership development, and much more.


RC SELPA ADR Collaborative

RC SELPA Conference Room - 2935 Indian Ave., Perris, CA 92571

April 24th, 2025 - 1:00 pm

Please join the Riverside County SELPA Alternative Dispute Resolution Collaborative for another year of learning, networking, and creating ADR resources to support the needs of our 23 member LEAs. The goal of the collaborative is to grow the capacity of members within our LEAs in all areas of ADR by forming positive relationships with families that will benefit everyone, but most importantly the student.


SEIS/CALPADS Informational Meeting

Meetings will be held in-person at the Riverside County SELPA office and virtually via Zoom

May 1st, 2025 - 9:00 am

SEIS/CALPADS Informational Meetings are designed to support all within the LEA who are responsible for special education information system reporting.


Data Team Workshops

RC SELPA Conference Room - 2935 Indian Ave., Perris, CA 92571

May 8th, 2025 - 11:00 am

Riverside County SELPA Data Team Workshops are designed to give LEA Data Teams the support and work time needed to ensure CALPADS data submissions are timely and accurate. RC SELPA team members will work alongside LEA data team members: to address and correct CALPADS reporting errors, review updates to the CALPADS reporting process, review SEIS data submissions, and provide any additional support needed for required special education data submissions. We encourage LEA Data Teams to attend with their CALPADS Technicians, SEIS Technicians, and Special Education Administrators. These workshops are offered at no cost for RC SELPA Member LEAs.


RC SELPA Lunch and Learn Legal Series

Meetings will be held virtually over ZOOM

May 9th, 2025 - 12:00 pm

Join RC SELPA each month for a virtual legal series featuring special education attorneys from across California. Each month we will have a presentation by a special education attorney on a ground breaking case, as well as legal "Hot Topics" in special education. Participants will have the chance to ask our legal experts questions during our "Questions From the Field" segment. The final session in June will be a panel discussion featuring some of our previous presenters. Zoom link will be provided after registration. Bring your lunch and tune in each month!


5th Annual Riverside County SELPA Mental Health Symposium

Riverside Convention Center - 3637 5th Street, Riverside, CA 92501

May 13th, 2025 - 8:30 am

<p>Please join Riverside County SELPA for the&nbsp;<em>Fifth Annual Riverside County SELPA Mental Health Symposium: Mental Health Matters</em>.&nbsp; This two-day symposium will be held at the Riverside Convention Center and will bring together educators throughout Riverside County and Southern California to engage in keynote and breakout sessions for Educationally Related Mental Health Services.&nbsp;</p> <p dir="ltr">The symposium will include keynote speakers discussing best practices to support students&#39; mental health, as well as breakout sessions on a legal perspective of ERMHS, building mental health services in a multi-tiered system of support, and strategies to support students impacted by trauma.</p>


Special Education Administrator Network

RC SELPA Conference Room - 2935 Indian Ave., Perris, CA 92571

May 22nd, 2025 - 9:00 am

<p>Join Riverside County SELPA for the Special Education Administrator Network meeting. Participants will have the opportunity to collaborate Monthly with other special education administrators within Riverside County SELPA on legal issues in special education, Alternative Dispute Resolution, compliance monitoring, leadership development, and much more.</p>


SEIS/CALPADS Informational Meeting

Meetings will be held in-person at the Riverside County SELPA office and virtually via Zoom

June 5th, 2025 - 9:00 am

SEIS/CALPADS Informational Meetings are designed to support all within the LEA who are responsible for special education information system reporting


Data Team Workshops

RC SELPA Conference Room - 2935 Indian Ave., Perris, CA 92571

June 12th, 2025 - 11:00 am

Riverside County SELPA Data Team Workshops are designed to give LEA Data Teams the support and work time needed to ensure CALPADS data submissions are timely and accurate. RC SELPA team members will work alongside LEA data team members: to address and correct CALPADS reporting errors, review updates to the CALPADS reporting process, review SEIS data submissions, and provide any additional support needed for required special education data submissions. We encourage LEA Data Teams to attend with their CALPADS Technicians, SEIS Technicians, and Special Education Administrators. These workshops are offered at no cost for RC SELPA Member LEAs.


RC SELPA Lunch and Learn Legal Series

Meetings will be held virtually over ZOOM

June 13th, 2025 - 12:00 pm

Join RC SELPA each month for a virtual legal series featuring special education attorneys from across California. Each month we will have a presentation by a special education attorney on a ground breaking case, as well as legal "Hot Topics" in special education. Participants will have the chance to ask our legal experts questions during our "Questions From the Field" segment. The final session in June will be a panel discussion featuring some of our previous presenters. Zoom link will be provided after registration. Bring your lunch and tune in each month!